Monday, February 01, 2010

sorry one more thing. I said in my last post two minutes ago I would rape you if you called me FF or FuckFace but I was just kidding rape is always wrong, I wouldnt do that under any circumstances, even if you were dressed like a whore. instead I will waterboard you bc we know that's really shitty but also legal so thats what I will do (just making that clear in case my parole office is reading this).

Oh one other quick thing. I thought in prison a nickname might help to make me tough and the one I thought of was FuckFace. You know like "if you fuck with me I will fuck your face up." I tried to call myself FF (actually I tried it on this blog for a little while but nobody had any idea what I was doing; you shitblasters dont pay any fucking attention) but anyway in prison the nickname FF went over like a lead balloon because people started making fun of me, even the priest who was supposed to be hearing our confessions. So don't call me FF or FuckFace or I will rape you if I can.



I'm back, mothafuckas

sup, I'm back, out the Pen early cos of good behavior. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, you know, so I'm stronger. Literally too bc I lifted a fucking ton of weights there.

My cousin Prof Reg dishonored himself by not posting like he told me he would, but you can never trust a man with an education. Thats why next election Im voting for Palin, she doesn't know shit and thats what we need right now. Plus the first woman president!

Prison wasn't so bad, nothing like the movies, most guys try to do as little as possible and not riot or rape you or whatever. Some stuff in there is kind of offensive tho bc alotta guys use "gay" as an insult not a description of happiness. I cant fault them right off the bat bc I used to be that way also but I did some reading in prison and now I know thats not right, Ive changed, but when I told fellow prisoners about being not bigoted usually they hit me with their fists or sometimes whatever they were carrying. Also the guards for the same reason.

Anyway good to be back! If anybody really missed me, great, if you are a lady please email me bc you know how it goes.
